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6th International Archean Symposium
6th International Archean Symposium

A role for impacting in producing crustal nuclei on early Earth



10:00 am

27 July 2023

Room 1

Session 1.7 (T3)

Talk Description

The surface of the moon provides a vivid indication of the role of impacting in its evolution. Since Earth’s gravity well is 80% greater than our satellites, it will have endured a proportionally higher rate of bombardment. It has been proposed that extra-terrestrial cratering on early Earth was important in crust production, but this proposition has received relatively little attention compared to endogenic (mantle plume or plate tectonic) processes. Isotopic signatures in zircon have been used to address a wide range of questions on the rates, durations, and timing of Earth system processes. Large compilations of time series data from zircon now exist across most continents. Encoded within this time series data are periodicities linked not only to magma production but also, critically, the source of such melts. Hf time series data, reflecting the relative importance of crustal recycling over mantle production, has statistically significant periodicities for the early Earth on 190 Ma-1. A similar periodicity is resolved in zircon oxygen isotope data, with bimodality in zircon oxygen isotopes (a function of shallow and deep melting). Whilst each craton has its own tempo of crust production, certain events may be globally synchronous. For example, a peak in the frequency of change points on all cratons at c. 3.3 and c. 2.8 Ga, the former may reflect stabilization of subduction at the beginning of the gradual transition into global plate tectonics, whereas the latter may correspond to changes in the preservation of metamorphic rocks with contrasting thermal gradients. Onto these secular changes a periodic signal of c. 190 Ma-1 is evident in zircon oxygen and Hf isotopes, and also in the more recent hypervelocity impact crater record. This frequency correlates with astronomical models of impact flux during Solar System spiral arm passage. In particular, the zircon oxygen isotope time series appears to support secular episodes when shallow melting dominated crust production, implying a surface, not mantle, derived energy input at those times. Based on these data, we posit that the Solar System's entry into and exit out of the galactic spiral arms may have triggered more long period comets to lower their perihelion and enter Earth crossing orbits. Whilst, correlation is not causation, it is relevant to note that early Earth spherule beds also correspond to periods of isotopic deviation and the entry of the solar system into the galactic arms. The favoured model for formation of rocky planets, including Earth, is by collisions, moreover giant impacts are the favoured explanation for the formation of moons, including Earth’s, and recent research has highlighted that erosion from impacting is likely key to explaining the composition of our planet. Furthermore, gravitational forces in the spiral arms are seen as driving star formation. Is it then so difficult to expect early Earth crustal nuclei production, to be fundamentally influenced by impacting, as a function of our galactic environment? Given the greater impact flux on our young rocky planet a growing body of research would perhaps suggest not. Geology may benefit from looking outward as well as inward.
