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6th International Archean Symposium
6th International Archean Symposium

Continental thermal evolution constrained by secular change of detrital zircon trace elements



10:45 am

27 July 2023

Room 1

Session 1.7 (T3)

Talk Description

Understanding how continental crust formed and evolved is a fundamental geological problem. The secular change of thermal evolution of continental crust was previously estimated using P-T conditions of metamorphic rocks, which has revealed that the highest T/P occurred in the Mesoproterozoic. It implies that the Mesoproterozoic continental crust is probably the hottest over time, although the thickness during this period is still controversial. Due to the absence of metamorphic rocks before ca.3.5 Ga, the thermal evolution of continental crust before Mesoarchean is ambiguous. Here, we compiled the dataset of temperature- and pressure-indicative trace element concentrations in detrital zircon, a total of over 40,000 data included. Ti-in-zircon contents are temperature dependent at a certain condition, and the secular change in the compiled Ti-in-zircon contents is consistent with the trend in metamorphic T/P. On the first-order, Ti-in-zircon contents increase from ca. 3.5 Ca to ca. 1.3 Ca, and then decrease towards the present-day, confirming a hot Mesoproterozoic crust. Moreover, our results show that the continental crust cooled down from ca. 4.3 Ga to ca. 3.8 Ga, and the ca. 3.8 Ga crust is the coolest in the entire geological time. A second-order metrical change of Ti-in-zircon contents correlates well with the supercraton/supercontinent cycles, with higher values during the supercontinent assembly and lower values during the breakdown. Eu/Eu* and Gd/Yb of detrital zircons were both regarded as the proxies for the thickness of the continental crust, but the results for these two proxies show absolutely inverse trend. Based on Eu/Eu*, the most thickened crust is in ca. 3.5-3.0 Ga, while the hottest Mesoproterozoic crust is the thinnest; Based on Gd/Yb, the crustal thickness decreased firstly from ca. 4.3 Ga to 3.8 Ga, reach a peak value in ca. 2.2-2.1 Ga, then decreased again till ca. 0.25 Ga, before a final kick-up towards the present-day. Similar to the Ti-in-zircon trend, the second-order metrical change of Gd/Yb seems to relate to the supercraton/supercontinent cycles, although the peaks of Ti contents are sometimes a bit lagged to that in the Gd/Yb trend. If the thickness proxy of Gd/Yb is preferred, it suggests that the thermal evolution of the continental crust is controlled mainly by tectonic thickening and radiogenic heating , while the peak temperature is reached later than the peak of crustal thickening, implying the effect of mantle heating during the post-thickened lithospheric extension. This systematic study of temperature- and pressure-indicative trace elements in detrital zircons provides new insights into the continental thermal evolution since the Hadean. It indicates a coolest and thinnest crust at ca. 3.8 Ga, which might be related to the Late Heavy Bombardment, especially considering that the oldest (ca. 3.5 Ga) komatiites that were regarded as formed by mantle plume occurred slightly later. Our study also shows how both tectonic thickening-thinning due to the supercraton/supercontinent cycle and mantle flux contributed to the evolution of the continental crust.
