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6th International Archean Symposium
6th International Archean Symposium

Inter-dome sedimentary response to vertical tectonics in the pre-orogenic Yilgarn Craton


Talk Description

The early Neoarchean Mougooderra Formation preserves chemical sedimentation in a quiescent lacustrine or submarine shelf setting, which differs in style and age to other ‘late basins’ within the Yilgarn Craton. Localized reworked granite–greenstone units are deposited from sediment-gravity flows in response to uplift and erosion associated with vertical tectonic doming. The formation is primarily exposed in a narrow north–south-trending corridor on the east flank of the Yalgoo dome in the Youanmi Terrane. Sedimentology of the Mougooderra Formation was investigated from seven traverses along a strike length of approximately 150 km. The Mougooderra Formation is metamorphosed at greenschist facies but preserves fine-grained siliciclastic material deposited from suspension settling after turbidity current events interbedded with variably ferruginous or jaspilitic banded chert or banded iron-formation. Beds of chert or magnetite-rich banded iron-formation have been measured up to 5 m thick and can be traced on magnetic imagery for 5 to 10 km along strike. These lithofacies provide evidence for very limited to no terrigenous sedimentation and the prevalence of a quiescent depositional setting. Fine-grained and chemical units are punctuated by deposition from sediment-gravity flows including turbidity currents and debris flows in a likely middle to outer fan setting. Pebble to boulder conglomerate beds are abundant at the base of normal graded packages becoming massive to cross-bedded lithic sandstone. These lithofacies are interpreted as channel fill deposits either in the main turbidity current channel or smaller distributary channels spread across the outer fan. Conglomerate–sandstone units are overlain, and lateral to, aggradational sandstone units or heterolithic sandstone–siltstone lithofacies. These units represent deposition on the outer fan from a series of waning turbidity currents interbedded with, and lateral to, deposits from suspension settling and chemical precipitation of chert and banded iron-formation. The composition of conglomerate clasts and sandstone units, in conjunction with detrital zircon geochronology, indicate a significant proportion of the Mougooderra Formation was derived from directly underlying greenstone units. Sources include the 2800–2735 Ma Polelle Group and 2825–2800 Ma Norie Group (Murchison Supergroup) as well as rocks of the intrusive 2825–2733 Ma Annean Supersuite; however, significant age components from c. 2767 to 2746 Ma are within error of the Goonetarra Granodiorite, a late phase of the magmatism within the Yalgoo dome and are likely sourced from this younger component of the Annean Supersuite. These ages constrain portions of the Mougooderra Formation to be deposited from high-density sediment-gravity flows responding to local tectonic drivers (i.e. broadly coeval with intrusion, uplift and erosion of the Yalgoo dome from c. 2746 Ma). Folding of the formation indicates that deposition of the Mougooderra Formation must have been completed before east–west shortening and associated orogenic events accompanying the c. 2730 Ma Yilgarn orogeny. We interpret the Mougooderra Formation as a series of rapidly deposited sediment gravity flows from c. 2746 to 2730 Ma during the latter stages of local doming into an otherwise quiescent chemical paleoenvironment.
