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6th International Archean Symposium
6th International Archean Symposium

New geophysical, geologic, and geochemical data from the western Wabigoon and Winnipeg River terranes: Implications for Neoarchean geodynamics in the western Superior craton


Talk Description

The Archean is considered a pivotal era during Earth’s evolution and the geodynamic processes in this eon are critical for understanding Earth’s early history. This study, as part of the Metal Earth project, focuses on the greenstone-dominated western Wabigoon terrane (WWT) and the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite-dominated Winnipeg River terrane (WRT) of the western Superior craton. New seismic, magnetotelluric, and geologic data along with previously published seismic reflections revealed the 3D crustal structures underlying the region. Whole-rock geochemistry and in-situ U-Pb, Lu-Hf, and trace elements of zircon reveal episodic magmatic events associated with crustal growth or reworking in the WRT and broadly continuous volcanism related to formation of oceanic crust in the WWT. The crustal structures are consistent with a ca. 2700 Ma convergent belt characterized by an allochthonous greenstone belt forming a thrust sheet in the upper crust, a collision zone in the mid- to lower-crust, an apparent crustal root of 3‒5 km relief, and subcreted crustal rocks beneath a mantle wedge. This convergent scheme is supported by ca. 2700 Ma trans-crustal magmatism in the WRT and ca. 2707‒2703 Ma volcanism along the WRT-WWT boundary. The WRT data reveals magmatism at ca. 3060 and ca. 2930‒2920 Ma representing reworking of the isotopically evolved components of the incipient WRT, magmatism at ca. 2910 Ma recording formation of new juvenile magmas and the first reworking of existing juvenile crust, and magmatism at ca. 2830‒2800, 2735‒2730, and ca. 2700 Ma that largely reflects reworking of the juvenile components of the incipient WRT. The WWT data represents prolonged bimodal volcanism from ca. 2780 to 2725 Ma. The felsic/intermediate volcanic rocks are characterized by variable Th/Nb and highly depleted Hf compositions, likely derived from mantle sources ranging from those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB) to those of enriched MORB (E-MORB), many of which assimilated various felsic crustal components. The mafic volcanic rocks are commonly dominated by low La/Sm basalts with negligible Nb, Ta anomalies and limited range of Th/Nb, forming a mantle array on the Th/Yb‒Nb/Yb plot and consistent with oceanic crust of N-MORB to enriched N-MORB affinities. Some basalts from the ca. 2738‒2725 Ma assemblages, however, yielded high La/Sm, negative Nb and Ta anomalies, and limited range of Th/Nb plotting above and parallel to the mantle array, which might be associated with passive subcretion and rollback of oceanic crust of the stagnant-lid model or subduction of oceanic lithosphere as in plate tectonics, both of which are supported by zircon trace element compositions that indicate hydrous, oxidized, large-ion lithophile element-enriched, medium- to high-pressure magmas. This study suggests that the western Superior craton underwent significant mantle depletion at ca. 2910 Ma beneath the WRT and that crustal growth and mantle depletion bracketed by prolonged, episodic crustal reworking may be a fundamental characteristic of cratonization. Moreover, identification of three magma-series requires assemblage-scale analysis. Our detailed approach of distinguishing rock types and assemblages of a greenstone belt offers a practical solution to more accurately characterize Archean volcanic rocks and to better understand the early Earth.
