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6th International Archean Symposium
6th International Archean Symposium

Stable and radiogenic neodymium isotope analyses of TTGs: New insights into crust formation?



1:30 pm

27 July 2023

Room 1

Session 1.8 (T3)

Talk Description

Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs) are the oldest preserved felsic rocks on Earth and form the backbone of the cratonic cores of the Earths’ continents today. The separation of light (L-) and heavy (H-) rare earth elements (REEs) by garnet or amphibole dominated TTG source rocks has been shown to be pressure dependent by multiple previous studies. Thus, investigating the trace element compositions in TTGs has potential for better understanding continent formation. Stable neodymium (Nd) isotopes are a novel geochemical tool that shows promising results as a tracer for a range of time-independent magmatic processes that have previously been applied to a range of igneous rocks. However, no studies have investigated TTGs. Archean granitoids from the Murchison domain of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia show that the TTGs sensu stricto (, ranging between δ146Nd -0.045 to +0.015 ‰ (average: δ146NdTTG of -0.016 ± 0.006 ‰ (2SD; n = 16)), and the TTGs sensu lato (s.l.), ranging between δ146Nd -0.035 to +0.01‰ (average: δ146NdTTG s.l. of -0.014 ± 0.006 ‰; 2SD; n = 9), are marginally heavier than late stage high potassium granitoids (range: δ146Nd -0.05 to +0.01 ‰; average: δ146NdK-grt of -0.027 ± 0.006 ‰; 2SD; n = 13) or mafic samples (range: δ146Nd -0.04 to 0 ‰; average: δ146Ndmafic of -0.028 ± 0.006 ‰; 2SD; n = 5). The TTGs resemble more the bulk silicate Earth value of δ146NdBSE = -0.024 ± 0.005 ‰ (2SD; n = 80; ± 0.003 ‰, 95%se) and TTGs exhibit a greater range than most other measured rock types (δ146NdYilgarn -0.05 to +0.012 ‰). The heavier δ146Nd of TTGs relative to the BSE implies the occurrence of a fractionation process, and thus stable Nd may serve as a tracer for the evolution of the continental crust. Major and trace element investigations, extended by modelling calculations disprove an effect on δ146Nd by P-T-depending compositional changes focussed mainly on the relative amounts of garnet and amphibole. But they could constrain minor effects by accessory phases that fractionate the δ146Nd during melting. Our second observation confirms a secular change in the δ146Nd-signal, that is suspected to be the result of magma differentiation. The assessment of an alteration influence on δ146Nd revealed unambiguously no influence, which in turn would exclude the relationship to subduction zone environments. One possible explanation for the variations in δ146Nd is a potentially inherited source signature from mafic precursor rocks that could have overprinted the δ146Nd. Combing these results with traditional radiogenic Nd data (εNd) confirms an increase in crustal recycling with time along with a greater heterogeneity of εNd(T) in the younger samples. The secular evolution in the εNd-signal is in line with λ1, the garnet indicating tracer that describes the slope of the REEs. All three methods, as here presented, δ146Nd, the εNd and the λ-diagrams, combined with previously published work, suggest an evolutionary tectonic change at 2.75 Ga in the Yilgarn Craton, which include proposals for a local rift opening in the Murchison domain, arc accretion and potentially the onset of subduction.
